Friends and Family Ministry
Last updated: 1/12/2025
Monthly Fellowship Meeting
Sunday, February 9th, 2025 cancelled due to Valentine's Bible Study Craft Day
Ministry meetings are the second Sunday of the month unless otherwise noted
Monthly Fellowship Meeting
Sunday, March 9th after 9:30am mass
Ministry meetings are the second Sunday of the month unless otherwise noted
Easter Celebration
Date is TBD (tentative Saturday, April 6th)
Easter is Sunday, April 20th
Monthly Fellowship Meeting
Sunday, April 13th is cancelled due to Easter Celebration the week prior
Ministry meetings are the second Sunday of the month unless otherwise noted
Monthly Fellowship Meeting
Sunday, May 11th is cancelled due to Mother's Day
Ministry meetings are the second Sunday of the month unless otherwise noted
Fellowship on the Lawn
Sunday, June 9th after 9:30 am mass on the church lawn and under gazebo
Sign up will be posted closer to the event
Monthly Fellowship Meeting
Sunday, June 9th is cancelled due to Fellowship on the Lawn
Ministry meetings are the second Sunday of the month unless otherwise noted
Welcome Back Baseball Bash
Date is TBA (August 2025)
at the Mets Stadium in St. Lucie West
Feast Day Ticket Sales
Date is TBA (September 2025)
at the church gazebo
Truck or Treat at Feast Day
Date is TBA
at the school pavilion
SignUpGenius link to be posted closer to the event
Game Night at the Rectory
Monthly Fellowship Meeting
December 14th, 2025 meeting is cancelled!!
Monthly Fellowship Meeting
January 2026 TBA
Ministry meetings are the second Sunday of the month unless otherwise noted
Ministry Leaders of St. Anastasia are responsible for providing the church with updates on which families are participating in the ministry. In order to help these efforts, the Friends and Family ministry has established a participation point system. Click here for more details.
Your family will receive 10 bonus participation points if you are a chair person! For each event, we ask for several families to join together to assist with an event of their choice per year. This is not required, but super helpful for the success of our ministry. Each family will work with the Ministry Leaders and Evangelism Leader with coordinating and development of the event. And each family is expected to preside at the event meetings, give other ministry families opportunity to assist, and serve as the spokesperson by communicating the event needs to the Ministry Leaders. This chairperson can be a mom, dad, both mom & dad, grandma, whomever! The "family" will receive 10 bonus participation points for their event assistance. A family can only receive the 10 bonus points one time a calendar year.
If you are new to Friends & Family, please click here to check out our New Family page!
Click this link to join us on WhatsApp -
Past Events
Game Night with the Priests 2024
Check out photos from our last events!
Mom's & Mimosas
Easter Celebration
Bible study craft night
coffee connection after Red, White, and Blue mass
Feast Day Ticket Sales and Refreshments
Helpful Tools
Ministry Leader - Melinda Gwilt
Co-Ministry Leaders - Tammy Wickard, Ja’net Vercillo, Nicole Friedrich, and Seth Doerr
As leaders of our ministry, we are liasons between the church priests, church administrators, and the ministry families. They help ensure our ministry families have a positive experience at our church and with our ministry by creating a warm and welcoming culture of faith. They help families gather together by scheduling events, securing venues, communicating with our minisry, and assisting with communication to our entire church congregation to invite them to join our fellowship events.
Welcome Leader - Julie Gillispie
As a Welcome Leader, Julie assists the Ministry Leaders to help grow our ministry. She has done a wonderful job at contacting new families who are interested in joining and meeting them at our events.
Evangelism Leader - Jennelly Smith
This is a new role and we are thankful for Jennelly volunteering as our Evangelism Leader. She will be helping to incorporate prayer, lessons from the Bible, engaging with other families, and engaging with our priests to enhance our fellowship events. If anyone is interested in assisting Jennelly, please let us know!
If you are interested in being part of our Leadership team, please join us in our Leadership group chat on WhatsApp by clicking here!
To provide opportunities for St. Anastasia parishioners, visitors, families and friends to encounter and deepen their ongoing relationship with Christ and Catholic traditions.
The St. Anastasia Friends & Family ministry provides special fellowship opportunities for families to get to know one another, have a safe place for our children to celebrate special religious holidays and traditions, and helps us grow in our relationship with Christ by centering all activities around our faith. The Friends & Family ministry seeks to create memorable and meaningful events that are faith-based for children to enjoy and learn from. Each month we offer a fellowship opportunity typically after mass. We hope you join our ministry and our fellowship events!
To support and encourage families in their faith walk, by incorporating spirituality, theology and prayer with fun while highlighting the beauty and truth of God, family and church traditions in each event celebrated by the ministry.