Participation points
If you are an actively participating family in our church community, the church may subsidize your tuition. The goal of this subsidy is to cultivate a solid Catholic, Christian lifestyle for yourself, your family, and your community. Some of our members, not all, request subsidy from the church. If you request subsidy, your whole family must be actively involved with one or more church ministries at St. Anastasia Church while registered with St. A's Church and receiving financial help through subsidy assistance. Why? The church and school mission support and parent's responsibility to raise their children in the practice of the faith. As parents you are responsible for your child's soul. Parents and Godparents made this promise to God at your child's baptism. You are accepting the responsibility of training him (her) in the practice of the faith. It will be your duty to bring him (her) up to keep God's commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbor. Do you clearly understand what you are undertaking? The parent's response is "We do" . Without your family's involvement in the church, we create something other than a Christian Community or healthy parish family. Active and involved parishioners within the ministries assist in nourishing and sustaining our Christian Community.

This year, each family will earn participation points when attending Friends and Family events and meetings. Each family must have at least 25 points between January and December 2024. This is roughly 25 hours for the year. Meetings are typically 1 point each and events range from 2 to 6 points depending on how much set up and event time. If your family cannot meet the 25 points, please contact Beth at the Parish Office and she will assist you with finding a ministry that works best with your family.
What is the purpose of the point system?
We are trying to align our requirements with the other St. Anastasia ministries
Events take a lot of work, so we want all families to contribute the same amount of time/effort
Father George wants to see everyone’s face at our events, kids especially, and not just drop off supplies!
The church can easily see who is participating throughout the year
Each family will easily know if they are meeting the ministry expectations
How many participation points are available?
Currently, we have 61 points available for our families between January and December 2023
How many participation points are required?
A minimum of 25 points are required for each family
How can I verify my family will meet the 25 points?
What are the requirements for other ministries?
Welcome Ministry requires sign in to help at church at least 26 weeks per year
Altar Servers are also required to serve at least 26 hours per year in addition, altar servers require a lengthy training
What if I’m out of town or have a schedule conflict?
We understand families will not always be available. We would love you to join us for every event and meeting, but we understand you have other obligations. We try to offer events and meeting around church times to make it convenient for your family since you’re already attending mass. If you don’t feel like our schedule will work for your family, please contact Beth at the church office.
Do I need to be present for the entire event to earn points?
Absolutely! Families must arrive at least 15 minutes prior to events. This allows us to align families with the same amount of time & effort of participation.
Do I need to be present after clean up of events?
Absolutely! Everyone should leave at the same time after everything is cleaned up
What if my family arrives late or leaves early?
The Ministry Leaders will not be able to sign off on your participation unless prior arrangements are made
How do the families keep track of their points?
These points will be tracked in a binder on the attendance sheets
Ministry leaders will bring the binder to each meeting and event
How do I fill out the attendance sheet?
Write down all family member names who attended the event (i.e. Melinda, Jamie, Blake, and Jack)
Write down the event name (i.e. Easter Celebration)
Write down how you participated (i.e. assisted with egg dying table)
If you volunteer to be a chairperson, you will earn an additional 10 bonus points for helping with an event. This is optional, but highly encouraged to help our ministry succeed!! In order to receive the additional points, a chairperson must be involved and oversee the follow aspects of the event:
Make phone calls prior to event
Order food/supplies
Be point person at event if Ministry Leader cannot attend
Arrive early to event and stay until the end
How are chairpersons selected?
All chairpersons were determined by the response to the December 2022 survey
What if I didn’t fill out the survey and want to volunteer as a chairperson?
Look at our list of events and select an event you are interested in, then contact either Melinda or Kathleen to get connected with the group
Is it mandatory to be a chairperson?
No, it is not a requirement this year; however, it greatly helps the success of this ministry. Also, it gives the families a chance to be part of an event and feel good about helping our parish as a whole.
Here is an inclusive example of our expectations for 2023:
The Amazing and Incredible families have signed up on SignUpGenius for the “egg dying table” at the Easter Celebration. Since Easter Celebration is a larger event, both families received 4 participation points each for the event and 1 point for attending the Planning meeting. Here is how the families “actively participated” in order to receive the points::
They will look at the Easter Celebration SignUpGenius, but also do some brainstorming on their own. Some questions they asked themselves are - Is there anything missing from SignUpGenius? Is there anything we could do better this year?
The family will assist with any planning needed for the egg dying table such as guarantee the event will have enough hard boiled eggs for Ministry families and parishioners.
The families will let the Ministry Leaders know if they need assistance from the ministry.
For example, closer to the event the Amazing family realizes they need more assistance boiling eggs, so they reach out to the Ministry Leaders and ask for an email blast to be sent out to the other ministry families.
The day before the event, the Incredible family reminds Ministry Leaders to send out a message to the group reminding the ministry to bring their hard boiled eggs.
The Amazing family reaches out to a Ministry Leader to see what supplies we have left over from prior events. Fun fact - The Amazing family found out the Devoted family purchased extra last year, so they don’t need to pick up any kits this year!
During their weekly grocery shopping, the Incredible family purchased paper towels and the Amazing family purchased tablecloths
Planning meeting
The families brought the paper towels and tablecloths they purchased to the Planning meeting. They also got the extra egg dying kits out of our supplies. And at the meeting, they realized we need some vinegar so they offered to pick up some and bring with them to the event.
Set up, During Event, & Clean Up
The families arrived early to set up the table prior to the event
During the event, the Amazing family helped with the table (restocked supplies & helped children dye eggs) for the first 30 mins, then the Incredible family helped with the last 30 mins. Also, the Devoted family noticed the crowded table so they helped out as well
At the end of the event, both families helped throw away trash and put away any leftover supplies into our F&F storage containers.
Before leaving the Easter Celebration event, both families signed the attendance sheet. Here is an example: